ASSET is the acronym of Academic Survey System and Evaluation Tool which is designed to be a general, web-enabled application for conducting surveys of different kinds. It was jointly designed and developed by CEI (formerly known as CELT) and ITSC during the period from Nov 2005 to Aug 2007 to replace the previous online survey instrument - COSSET. ASSET is one of the popular online platforms for delivering online surveys in HKUST, including Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ) surveys.

Functionalities of ASSET

ASSET is an all-purpose survey tool, supporting not only course evaluation but survey in general. Specifically, four types of evaluation are supported:

-Summative course end teaching evaluation
-Formative teaching evaluation
-Program surveys
-Miscellaneous large scale surveys

ASSET has been designed to ease the operation of survey management, features including

-User Account Management: Manage user accounts with fine-grained access control capabilities
-Questionnaire Management: Build questionnaires with ease by using reusable objects (Answer Set, Question Item and Questionnaire Template)
-Survey Management: The Survey creation engine helps to create and manage hundreds or thousands of surveys
- Email Reminders: Automatic and configurable email reminders to remind respondents to complete the survey
-Monitoring Reports: Response rate and other monitoring report helps users to monitor the progress of the survey
-Report Generation: Survey statistics and reports can be created on individual surveys, course level, departmental level, school level and University overall. Grouping of reports can be managed easily.
-Interoperation with teaching & student record system: To retrieve teaching and enrollment records for survey creation and data collection
- Interoperation with Canvas: Able to link up courses on Canvas to their corresponding surveys
-Interoperation with MyPortal: For user to access all available surveys and reports within the University's portal


ASSET was built from ground-up with the following technologies, the system is highly customizable and flexible by using the object oriented design and development.

-Java 1.5
-Spring Application Framework
-Tomcat Application Server
-Oracle 10g Database Server
-Redhat Enterprise Linux Platform